We enter the Gutierrez-Hubbell House Open Space at the northwest corner of the Hubbell North extension on Don Felipe Rd.
The Pajarito Ditch is still flowing with water for irrigation
We proceed to the south past a closed water gate on the opposite bank
The foliage is becoming more lush.
We are at the northwest corner of the original Gutierrez-Hubbell House Open Space
and take a look across the field towards the caretaker's house and the Gutierrez-Hubbell House to the right of the greenhouse. Judy's Trading Post and Auction is to the right, on the other side of Isleta Blvd. SW.
We continue to the south along the Pajarito Ditch, noting the changes since our last visit here
If you enlarge this photo (click on it) and look between the trees, you can make out a couple of ducks on the opposite bank of the ditch. I couldn't get close enough before they were scared off by Oscar.
At the Prescription Perimeter Trail 0.2 Mile marker we leave the trail and enter the rear of the Gutierrez-Hubbell House organic demonstration farm field
Just inside the rear of the field we find wild Narrowleaf Plantain (Plantago Lanceolata) growing in abundance.
There's a stand of (mostly) Siberian Elm (Ulmus Pumila) trees separating the parking field from the organic demonstration garden/farm field.
In the middle of the stand of trees is a very nice mosaic bench
An irrigation ditch runs down the middle of the stand of trees and over to the garden. We cross to the parking field on a trail behind the bench.
This places us on the south side, and to the rear, of the Gutierrez-Hubbell House. We proceed down the side of the house toward Isleta Blvd.
The separate building at the rear of the Gutierrez-Hubbell House contains the public restrooms and is not part of the original structure.
across the front,
and around to the rear of the house.
There are 2 adobe ovens located to the north of the patio area
and a picnic table at the rear of the house,
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